Category: Future
Very interesting business model check this
Sorry I did not write blog since long time. but today I found some thing very interesting and promising business…
SQL Server Cost in cloud with simple calculation ( Internal SQL Server Vs Cloud based SQL Server)
Internal SQL Server Cost Vs SQL Server Cloud (SQL Azure Cost A quick back-of-the-envelope calculation using a 2-cpu server with…
What is the future of DBAs and Sysadmins In Cloud Computing Era
I have been reading and following about the future of DBA and Sysadmins jobs role in an enterprise where cloud…
Why mobile payments are not so popular in USA
I was thinking why mobile payments are not used here in USA when other countries like India using in big…
Iphone OS 4.0 Features
I was watching Keynote address by Jobs about Iphone OS 4.0 features at Developers preview conference. At last few important…
Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology
Very Interesting Technology this is what one can imagine how human’s brain can connect with computers and best use them…
Honey bees disappearing may be a greater threat than global warming
A while ago there were stories making all the major news outlets about the disappearance of honeybees. No one knew…
Next generation computer
Can any one guess what could be our next generation computer look a like initial days when computer was found…
Can you believe that there are only 1,411 Tigers left in India?
India’s national animal is the great tiger and at on point in history, when humans who lived in villages near…