Milo.com is an excellent concept if this can on IPhone and smartphone then it will be much more attractive.
most of the users can use lets say If I am going for shopping to buy Digital camera to Bestbuy i found the one which i like but i just want to check what other stores are selling this same model and how much which store is is least cost. If that is the case any one would use this application to find the best bargains around the area using phone
Hopefully milo.com itself will come out with Iphone app to do that right now milo.com is using my ip and tracing back my location based on that it displaying my nearest stores same way if we use Iphone GPRS locator to find nearst stores that would create an excellent app for I phone if this is the app I can buy for $10.00 for sure because I am sure i would easily save more than $10.00 by using that app when I am doing the shopping.
This is really great concept.
Thank you
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